1803 Park View Drive, NE Cullman, AL 35058

Frequently Recommended Travel Vaccinations
Food & Water.
The hepatitis A vaccine is given in 2 doses, 6 months apart. The vaccine is nearly 100% effective and has been a routine childhood vaccine in the United States since 2005.
Recommended for most travelers
Blood & Body Fluids
Series of 3 vaccines
The vaccine is recommended for extended stay travelers, people with chronic conditions, older people, healthcare workers, and people who participate in high-risk activities (such as injection drug use and unprotected sex). Other travelers may consider the vaccine, especially since some countries may not screen their blood supply, and travelers could become infected by a blood transfusion.
​This has been considered a routine U.S. childhood vaccine since 1995.
Food & Water
Single shot lasts 2 years.
Oral vaccine four doses: one capsule every other day for a week lasts 5 years, Oral must be kept in refrigerator.
Required in certain countries or parts of countries
For travelers over 8 months of age. At least 10 days before a trip.
A vaccine booster after 10 years is recommended for certain people.
Saliva of Infected Animals
Vaccine recommended for long-term travelers and those who may come in contact with animals in certain countries.
Airborne & Direct Contact
Vaccination is recommended or required (Saudi Arabia Hajj) in sub-Saharan Africa during the dry season (December through June)
You need a booster dose, usually every 5 years if you remain at increased risk.
Infants and young children will need more than one dose of a recommended vaccine
Various Vectors
Adolescents and adults who have not had measles or have not been vaccinated should get 2 doses, separated by at least 28 days
Adults born in 1957 or later should receive at least 1 dose of MMR vaccine booster. However, persons who received measles vaccine of unknown type, inactivated measles vaccine, or further attenuated measles vaccine should be considered unvaccinated and should be revaccinated with 1 or 2 doses of MMR vaccine. Persons vaccinated before 1979 with either killed mumps vaccine or mumps vaccine of unknown type who are at high risk for mumps infection (e.g., persons who are working in a health-care facility) should be considered for revaccination with 2 doses of MMR vaccine.
Tdap (Tetanus, Diphtheria & Pertussis)
Wounds & Airborne
Adults 19 or older who received childhood DTP vaccines should receive a single dose of Tdap vaccine booster for pertussis.
Td (tetanus/diphtheria) vaccine (without pertussis) which you should receive every 10 years or after an exposure to tetanus
Direct Contact & Airborne
Given to those unvaccinated that did not have chickenpox.
CDC recommends varicella vaccine for all people aged ≥12 months without evidence of immunity to varicella who do not have contraindications. For people aged ≥13 years: 2 doses of vaccine administered at least 4 weeks apart.
Airborne and Direct Contact
All travelers > 5 yr old should receive.
All 65+ or immunocompromised should receive
Vaccine should be given each Fall
Those over 65 should receive the high dose vaccine
Food & Water
Considered a routine vaccination for most travel itineraries.
Travelers going to certain parts of Africa and Asia may be at risk for polio. Everyone should be up-to-date with their routine polio vaccination series. Adult travelers who are unvaccinated, are incompletely vaccinated, or have an unknown vaccination status for polio should receive 3 doses of IPV
In addition, a one-time adult polio vaccine booster dose is recommended for previously vaccinated travelers to certain countries
All adult travelers who have completed a routine series of polio vaccine and an adult IPV booster dose, who will be in a polio-infected country for >4 weeks, and whose last dose of IPV was administered >12 months before the date they plan to exit the polio-infected country, should receive an additional dose of IPV.
Asia -higher risk if you are traveling to rural areas, will be outside frequently, or will be traveling for > 1 month
JE vaccine is is given as a two-dose series, with doses spaced 28 days apart. Adults aged 18–65 years can get the second dose as early as 7 days after the first. Give the second dose at least 1 week before travel. Administer a booster dose at 11 months after completion of the primary series to travelers who remain at risk for JE infection.
TBE is a viral infection of the brain and spine which can be transmitted to humans through the bite of an infected tick. Although TBE is not endemic in the U.S., to date, it has been identified in more than 35 countries across Europe and Asia. The European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control (ECDC) currently recommends TBE vaccination for people who live in or are traveling to risk areas- eastern, central, northern and increasingly western European countries, and in northern China, Mongolia, and the Russian Federation. TicoVac for individuals 16 years of age and older receive three doses. TicoVac Junior is for individuals one year to 15 years of age.
food and water
Cholera vaccine recommended for adult (18–64 years) travelers to an area of toxigenic Vibrio cholerae O1 transmission. An area of active transmission is defined as an administrative subdivision where cases have been reported within the past year.